Personal information protection policy
Tomita Accounting Office (hereinafter referred to as “this office”), recognizes the importance of protecting the personal information of its customers and shall strive for its appropriate handling and protection, by observing the law related to the protection of personal information (hereafter “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”), and in accordance with the following privacy policy.
- Article 1 (Definition of Personal Information)
- In this privacy policy, personal information means personal information defined in article 2(1)of the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”, that is to say information that relates to existing individuals and can be used to identify specific individuals through description of name, date of birth and other matters in the information in question (includes cases where the identification of specific individuals is possible through simple cross-referencing with other information).
- Article 2 (Objectives in Using Personal Information)
We shall use the personal information of our customers for the following objectives.
- For the provision and development of products and services handled by our company.
- For providing guidance on various campaigns related to products and services handled by our company.
- For marketing surveys and analysis aimed at improving and enriching the quality of products and services handled by our company.
- For our company to provide maintenance and support
- To notify changes etc. in the regulations concerning our services
- To respond to breaches of our regulations or policies (hereafter “regulations etc.”) related to our services
- To confirm the account identity to a financial institution
- To confirm transfer to a financial institution
- For contact in an emergency
- Other objectives related to the above objectives of use
- Article 3 (Changes in the Objective of Using Personal Information))
- We may change the objectives of using personal information within the range considered to be suitably related and appropriate, and where changed this shall be notified and published to customers.
- Article 4 (Restrictions on Using Personal Information)
Other than when permitted by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other statutes, we shall not, without the customer’s consent, handle personal information in a way that exceeds the necessary range for achieving the objectives of use. However, this shall not apply in the following circumstances.
- According to laws and ordinances
- Where it is necessary for the purpose of protecting human life, physical state or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer
- Where it is particularly necessary for improving public hygiene or promoting the healthy raising of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer.
- Where a government agency, local autonomous body or persons contracted by the same require cooperation in carrying out their work, and there is a danger that obtaining the customer consent may obstruct the performance of such duties.
- Article 5 (Appropriate Acquisition of Personal Information)
- We shall acquire personal information appropriately and not through falsehood or other inappropriate means.
- Article 6 (Personal Information Safety Management)
- We shall provide necessary and appropriate supervision of our employees in order to carry out safety management of personal information in relation to risks such as loss, damage, modification and leaking of personal information. Further, when subcontracting all or part of the handling of personal information, the same necessary and appropriate supervision shall be performed to enable safety management of the personal information by the subcontractors.
- Article 7 (Provision to Third Parties)
Excluding cases when disclosure is requested based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other related statutes, we shall not provide personal information to third parties without first obtaining the consent of the customer. However, this shall not apply when providing to third parties as determined in the cases described below.
- When the handling of all or part of the personal information is subcontracted within the range required for achieving the objectives of use
- When personal information is provided for the purposes of merger or succession of business for some other reason
- Article 8 (Disclosure of Personal Information)
- Where we are requested by our customers to disclose personal information based on the determinations of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, we shall, after confirming the request with the customer, disclose this information to the customer without delay (where such personal information does not exist, we shall notify this fact.) However, this shall not apply where our company bears no duty of disclosure based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other statutes. Please note in advance that a commission (1000 yen (tax included) per case) shall be charged for disclosing, amending or stopping the use of personal information.
- Article 9 (Amending Personal Information)
- Our company, where we are requested to amend, add to or delete (hereby amend etc.) the content of personal information, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, for the reason that it is not true, after confirming that it is a request from the customer themselves, we shall carry out the necessary survey without delay within the necessary range for achieving the objectives of use, and based on the results of this, amend etc. the content of the persona information, and notify the customer of this fact. (Where it is determined that it should not be amended etc., this fact should be notified to the customer). However, this shall not apply where our company bears no duty of disclosure based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other statutes.
- Article 10 (Stopping Use of Personal Information)
- Our company, where we are requested to stop use of or delete (hereafter, “stop use etc.”)the personal information of the customer, based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, due to the reason that it is being handled outside the published range of use or has been obtained by falsehood or other invalid means, and we judge that such reason exists, after confirming that the request is from the customer themselves, shall, without delay, stop use etc. of the personal information and notify this fact to the customer. However, this shall not apply where our company bears no duty to stop use etc. based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other statutes.
- Article 11 (Use of Cookies and Other Technology)
- This service uses Cookies and other similar technologies. These technologies are useful for grasping the usage status of these services, and thus contributing to the improvement of these services. Users who wish to disable cookie may do so by changing the settings of their web browsers. However, if you disable cookies, you will no longer be able to use some of our services.
- Article 12 (Inquiries)
Please direct any applications for disclosure, opinions, questions, complaints or other inquiries related to the handling of personal information to the following contact point.
- Personal information inquiry contact
- Personal information inquiry contact
- Article 13 (Continuous Improvements)
- We shall review the operating situation in regard to the handling of personal information at appropriate times, and strive to make continuous improvements, and where necessary also change the privacy policy.
[Enacted June 1st 2017]
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